Thursday, May 24, 2012

So, I Did Told You That He Will Win

Morning all.

Watch The Idol Finale Result Show since 2 hours ago online. Good show but the most important thing the RESULT.  And as predicted ;


He was crowned as the next American Idol just 10 minutes ago. PHILATICS are happy and proud of him.

These are his winning performances.

"Stand By Me"

 "Movin' Out" 



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

American Idol 2012 Finale Phillip vs Jessica

Credit to Brandon of American

The two-part finale kicked off with the Top 2 facing off for the final vote of the season. It was a Jessica Sanchez vs. Phillip Phillips showdown and neither American Idol contestant backed down. Like the rest of the season, I’ll review each performance and assign the letter grade I think each deserved.

Round 1: Simon Fuller’s Pick

Jessica Sanchez, “I Have Nothing.” This wasn’t the Whitney Houston song I expected to hear from Jessica tonight. I was creation we’d hear her do “I Will Always Love You Again,” but I was wrong. Oh well, this performance was a great way to start the night. I would have preferred a better Whitney song, but Jessica handled it very well. (A)

Phillip Phillips, “Stand By Me.” I’m pretty sure I recommended this for Phillip one time or another, so I was very happy to actually hear him do it. I really liked the arrangement too. It was just different enough for Phillip to make it his own. He owned it like he always does. It went from a Ben E. King song to a Phillip Phillips song. (A+)

(My Winner of Round One: Phillip. But just barely.)
Round 2: Contestants’ Favorite Song of the Season

Jessica Sanchez, “The Prayer.” Now this is a season finale song. Jessica first and this during Top 24 week and it was the performance that put her in the Top 13. She did an even better job with it tonight. It was definitely a performance that showed she meant business tonight. (A+)

Phillip Phillips, “Movin Out.” Really, Phillip? This was your favorite performance of the season? Are you trying to lose this contest? What about “Volcano”? Or “In The Air Tonight”? Or “We’ve Got Tonight”? I mean this wasn’t a bad performance. It just wasn’t finale worthy, especially compared to Jessica’s performance. (B +)

(My Winner of Round two: Jessica)

Round 3: Finale Song

Jessica Sanchez, “Change Nothing.” More like change everything. What an awful song. Not only were the lyrics bad, they were all wrong for a 16-year-old. And the key wasn’t right. Nothing was right about it. Jessica still sang it wonderfully. But that was that. She just didn’t connect. Just a bad song choice. I at first thought she didn’t pick it and couldn’t be blamed, but she made it sound like she picked it. So… yeah. (B)

Phillip Phillips, “Home.” The complete opposite of Jessica’s song, this was the perfect song for Phillip. It was right in his range, the lyrics were great and the song had a great hook. He connected with the song. There was emotion. And even the “aaaaahs” were right on. It was like Jonny Cash meets Coldplay. And that’s a sound I’ve never heard before. Great finale song. Great finale performance. (A+)

(My Winner of Round 3: Phillip. Hands down)

So who is going to win American Idol 2012? If you based it on my letter grades, it would pretty much be a deadlocked tie. But if you go with history in addition to tonight’s performance, then Phillip Phillips is your new American Idol. If I were a betting man, I’d put all my money on Phillip.
Who won the night for you? Who is going to win the title tomorrow night?

Need my bias prediction? Nay, you know who I pick ... Have to wait for the result show tomorrow ... Philatics rulessss!!!

Rejab Datang Lagi

Just nak share kelebihan Bulan Rejab

Puasa 1 hari - Seperti berpuasa 40 tahun dan mendapat keredhaan Allah serta syurga tertinggi.

Puasa 2 hari - mendapat kemuliaan besar daripada Allah dan dilipatgandakan pahalanya.

Puasa 3 hari - dijauhkan dugaan dunia oleh Allah, dijadikan sebuah parit panjang yang menghalangnya ke neraka,

Puasa 4 hari - diselamatkan daripada siksaan akhirat kelak serta fitnah Dajjal.

Puasa 5 hari - aman dari azab kubur.

Puasa 6 hari - dibangkitkan dari kubur dengan muka bercahaya.

Puasa 7 hari - Allah mengunci 7 pintu neraka jahannam baginya.

Puasa 8 hari - Allah membuka 8 pintu syurga baginya.

Puasa 9 hari - keluar dari kuburnya lalu menyeru "Laailahaillallah" dan tidak ditolak dia dari memasuki syurga.

Puasa 10 hari - Allah memperkenankan semua permintaan dan hajatnya, dijadikan hamparan perhentian di titian Siratul Mustaqim setiap satu batu dan dijadikan 2 sayap untuk terbang seperti kilat di titian Siratul Mustaqim.

Puasa 13 hari - Saidina Ali berkata bahawa fadilatnya seperti puasa 3,000 tahun

Puasa 14 hari - Saidina Ali berkata bahawa fadilatnya seperti puasa 10,000 tahun.

Puasa 15 hari - Allah mengampunkan semua dosanya yang lalu di samping menggantikan amalan kejahatan dengan amalan kebaikan. Saidina Ali berkata bahawa fadilatnya seperti puasa 100,000 tahun.

Puasa 19 hari - Dibina sebuah mahligai di hadapan mahligai Nabi Allah Ibrahim dan Nabi Allah Adam.

Puasa 20 hari - Allah mengampunkan segala dosanya yang lalu, dan melakukan amalan baik dengan baki umurnya.

Sesiapa yang berpuasa 3 hari dalam bulan Rejab dan beribadat pada malamnya seperti dia berpuasa 3,000 tahun, diampunkan baginya 70 dosa-dosa besar setiap hari, ditunaikan 70 hajat ketika keluar nyawa dari jasadnya, 70 hajat ketika di dalam kuburnya, 70 hajat ketika terbang suhuf (ketika Al-Quran dinaikkan ke langit), 70 hajat ketika ditimbang amalannya di Mizan, dan 70 hajat ketika melalui titian Siratul Mustaqim

Berpuasa pada 27 Rejab (Hari Israk dan Mikraj) seperti berpuasa 60 bulan pahalanya, jika disertai dengan sedekah seumpama puasa 1,000 tahun.

Setiap umat Islam yang berpuasa di bulan Rejab seperti mengerjakan ibadat seumur hidupnya. Tambahan bersedekah seperti beribadat seribu kali haji dan umrah. Dibina untuknya seribu mahligai dengan seribu bilik dan seribu bidadari, lebih cantik daripada matahari seribu kali.

Sedekah di bulan Rejab seumpama sedekah seribu dinar, dituliskan kepada tiap-tiap helai bulu romanya seribu kebajikan, diangkat seribu darjat dan dihapuskan seribu kejahatan serta dijauhkan daripada api Neraka.Orang yang lemah dari berpuasa di bulan Rejab hendaklah bersedekah tiap-tiap hari, sekurang-kurangnya sebuku roti.

Kelebihan lain bulan Rejab:

1. Di dalam bulan lain Allah membalas amalan umat-Nya 10 kali, tetapi di dalan bulan Rejab, Allah akan membalas amalan umat-Nya 70 kali.

2. Sesiapa meminta ampun (beristighfar) pada pagi dan petang 70 atau 100 kali di dalam bulan Rejab, diharamkan tubuhnya daripada api neraka.

3. Rejab bulan Allah, Sya'aban bulan Rasulullah. S.A.W, Ramadhan bulan umat Rasulullah S.A.W.

4. Rejab adalah bulan menabur benih, Sya'aban bulan menyiram tanaman manakala Ramadhan bulan menuai.

5. Amalan di dalam bulan Rejab menyucikan badan, Sya'aban menyucikan hati manakala Ramadhan menyucikan roh.

6. Rejab adalah bulan maghfirah (keampunan), Sya'aban bulan syafaat manakala Ramadhan bulan menggandakan kebajikan.

7. Rejab adalah bulan taubat, Sya'aban bulan muhibbah manakala Ramadhan bulan dilimpahi pahala amalan yang banyak.

8. Pahala amalan baik di dalam bulan Rejab diganda 70 pahala, Sya'aban diganda 700 pahala dan Ramadhan diganda 1,000 pahala.

Beberapa amalan lain yang baik dilakukan dalam bulan Rejab:

1. Menyucikan diri daripada dosa dengan bertaubat dan memohon ampun

2. Membersihkan hati yang lalai dan alpa melalui amalan istighfar dan zikir
3. Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan menunaikan solat

4. Memohon keselamatan dan kesejahteraan dengan berselawat dan berdoa kepada-Nya5. Menginsafkan diri dengan membaca kisah teladan perjuangan Rasulullah S.A.W. dan sirah Islam lain.

Peristiwa penting yang telah berlaku dalam bulan Rejab:

1. Israk dan Mikraj (27 Rejab)
2. Solat 5 waktu difardukan ke atas umat Islam (Malam Israk Mikraj)
3. Perang Tabuk terjadi di dalam tahun ke-9 Hijrah.Secara ringkasnya, Israk dan Mikraj adalah sebuah peristiwa di mana Nabi Muhammad S.A.W telah di"israk"kan (dibawa berjalan) dari Kota Mekah ke Baitul Muqaddis serta di"mikraj"kan (dibawa naik ke atas) ke Sidratul Muntaha untuk mengadap Allah S.W.T di mana Solat 5 waktu telah difardukan ke atas umat Islam melalui Rasulullah S.A.W. Semuanya berlaku di dalam satu malam sahaja. Firman Allah SWT:Maha Suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hambaNya pada satu malam dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa yang telah Kami berkati sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui - Petikan dari Surah Al Israa ayat 1.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Phillip Phillips in the Finale

Hi guys,

Quite busy these days.  Gonna take few minutes to update about my favourite show ever, American Idol Season 11.

Well, last week Hollie Cavanaugh was sent home.  Yesterday Top 3 Live show, I saw Hollie cheering for the remaining costestant.  Comel la minah nih.

As a Philatics, of coz I will support Phillip all the way.  Now, enjoy 3 videos of him performing his thing.  Awesome performance for the 1st, good for the 2nd (i'm not a fan) and termendously in love with the 3rd (oh yeah, standing O from the judges).

So, enjoy.

Beggin' - Madcon

Desease - Match Box 20

We've Got Tonite - Bob Seger

So, tune in Star World Channel 711 at 6.05 pm today for the result show (Of course I know he is in the finale with Jessica.  Thank you Joshua, bye bye. have a nice day) :)

Can't wait for the finale next week, and Philatics believe that PHILLIP PHILLIPS will win the title. Good luck..


Friday, May 11, 2012

David Beckham By The Numbers

"History" between me and David Beckham started in 1995 when I was just a young lady (err.. or more to a tomboy maybe :p) of 19 years old.17 years later, I'm still "with" him even now he has 4 and i'm with my only 1. Luv you then, luv you now and will be loving you always, chewahhh!!

Soccer star and megacelebrity David Beckham turned 37 on May 2. This week, the List looks at the Los Angeles Galaxy star by the numbers.
   Beckham has been married once. He married Victoria Adams (Posh Spice) on July 4, 1999, at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland.

2    The number of Beckham’s children (Brooklyn and Romeo) whose godfather is Elton John. Their godmother is actress Elizabeth Hurley.

3    The number of teams with which he has won league titles: Manchester United, Real Madrid and the Los Angeles Galaxy.

4    Beckham has four children. Three boys: Brooklyn Joseph (born March 4, 1999) Romeo James (born Sept. 1, 2002) and Cruz David (born Feb. 20, 2005). He has one daughter, Harper Seven(born July 10, 2011).

5    He is just the fifth player in World Cup history to score twice from a direct free kick; the other four were Pele, Roberto Rivelino, Teofilo Cubillas and Bernard Genghini.

6    The number of English Premier League titles he won with Manchester United.

7    The number of the shirt Beckham inherited from Eric Cantona at Manchester United in 1997 when the French ace retired.

9    The number of No. 1 hits in the United Kingdom that Beckham’s wife, known musically as Posh Spice, had with the Spice Girls from 1996 to 2000.

10   The number of the shirt he was given at the beginning of the 1996-97 season, most recently worn then by Mark Hughes.

17   The minute Beckham limped off the field after Aldo Duscher broke his foot on April 10, 2002, in Manchester United’s 3-2 victory over Deportivo La Coruna to reach the Champions Cup semifinals.

20 The approximate number of tattoos on Beckham’s body, according to the Daily Mail, including Jesus being carried by three angels and a tattoo of his wife, Victoria, seminaked.

23   His shirt number at Real Madrid and at the Los Angeles Galaxy. He decided to wear the number 23 because of his admiration for basketball player Michael Jordan, who also wore the number 23 jersey.

32   His shirt number at AC Milan in 2008, previously worn by Christian Vieri.

35   His ranking on the 2011 Forbes Celebrity 100 List, which ranks the world’s most powerful celebrities.

40   Forbes lists him as earning $40 million in 2011, making him 39th for money on the Forbes Celebrity 100 List and the highest-paid soccer player in the world.

47   The minute Beckham was red-carded in the second-round game of the 1998 World Cup against Argentina on June 30,1998. With the score at 2-2, England was left with 10 men and lost in the penalty shootout. Beckham was vilified by the English press. “10 Heroic Lions, One Stupid Boy” blared the Daily Mirror.

59   The number of games he captained for England. The fourth-highest after Bobby Moore (90), Billy Wright (90) and Bryan Robson (65).

91   The number of goals he had scored with five clubs as of May 4.

100 In October 2006 he became the third player, after Raul and Roberto Carlos, to have played in 100 UEFA Champions League games.

115  Record number of appearances for an outfield player he has made for the English national team, passing Bobby Moore’s 108 caps.

265 Premier League appearances for Manchester United, where he scored 61 goals.

437  The number of staff employed for the Beckhams’ wedding reception

500  The number of accredited journalists from 25 countries at Real Madrid’s basketball facility when Beckham was introduced as a Real Madrid player on July 2, 2003.

700  The number of accredited media members on July 13, 2007, when Beckham was officially introduced as a Los Angeles Galaxy player at Home Depot Center.

2001 The year he was named BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

46,686    The number of fans at RFK Stadium to watch Beckham make his MLS debut on Aug. 9, 2007. He came on in the 71st minute as the Los Angeles Galaxy lost 1-0 to D.C. United.

947,000   The number of television homes that tuned in to watch Beckham’s first game for the Galaxy. Despite an injured ankle, he came on the field in the 78th minute in the club’s 1-0 loss to Chelsea in the exhibition World Series of Soccer.

6.5 million   His guaranteed salary at the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2011 was $6.5 million, the highest in the league.

22 million    The cost of the Beckhams’ 13,000-square-foot plot, six-bedroom Italian-style villa on San Ysidro Drive in Beverly Hills.

28 million    The worth in dollars of the Beckhams’ Hertfordshire mansion in England dubbed Beckingham Palace. In March, the Los Angeles-based Beckhams decided to sell the property.

219 million   According to the Sunday Times’ U.K. Rich List, Beckham’s estimated net worth in May 2011 was $219 million.

600 million   According to Forbes, Beckham’s four years at Real Madrid were primarily responsible for the team’s huge increase in merchandise sales, a total reported to top $600 million.

1 billion According to Reuters, a live television audience of “around 1 billion” watched Beckham kick a soccer ball in the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on Aug. 24, 2008. The Washington Post estimated “as many as 4 billion.”

2/15/2003 The date that Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson, in anger, kicked a soccer cleat at Beckham in the locker room. The cleat hit Beckham just above the left eye, causing an injury requiring two stitches. The event was dubbed “Scar Wars” and “Bootgate” by the British media.

Compiled by John Haydon

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Phillip Phillips - Top 4 Performance

Hey you,

Just googled and videos for Top 4 Performance American Idol 11 are up on Youtube (will air  at 6.05pm today on Star World Malaysia).  Just enjoy the performance by Phillip courtesy of Youtube..heheheh!!

Ku tepek phillip sajork, so performance for others pepandai la korang sebab hanya Phillip di hati iollss!!

Song : Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Song : Volcano

Hope he will survive in the Result Show on Friday .. chaiyokkk!!

Better Late Than Never

Hi there guys,

Being busy with piles of work. So, need to settle everything before I could blog (or paste articles)  about American Idol 11 Top 5 performance.  There're 4 of them left when Skyler Laine being sent home last week. Felt sorry for her coz she IS a very good singer. Well, she will be a very successful one afterward. Glad that my  favourite still in the running for the title, Phillip Phillips.  Good job you.

Presenting ... Phillip's performance for last week. Enjoy!

Don't forget to watch Top 4 Performance at 6.05pm on Star World..
Good Luck Phillip!


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