Friday, May 18, 2012

Phillip Phillips in the Finale

Hi guys,

Quite busy these days.  Gonna take few minutes to update about my favourite show ever, American Idol Season 11.

Well, last week Hollie Cavanaugh was sent home.  Yesterday Top 3 Live show, I saw Hollie cheering for the remaining costestant.  Comel la minah nih.

As a Philatics, of coz I will support Phillip all the way.  Now, enjoy 3 videos of him performing his thing.  Awesome performance for the 1st, good for the 2nd (i'm not a fan) and termendously in love with the 3rd (oh yeah, standing O from the judges).

So, enjoy.

Beggin' - Madcon

Desease - Match Box 20

We've Got Tonite - Bob Seger

So, tune in Star World Channel 711 at 6.05 pm today for the result show (Of course I know he is in the finale with Jessica.  Thank you Joshua, bye bye. have a nice day) :)

Can't wait for the finale next week, and Philatics believe that PHILLIP PHILLIPS will win the title. Good luck..


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